
august 24 2022 3:59 PM ︎

sally’s leaking out onto the floor and there’s nothing left to do.

i glimpse into her puddles
and inside her dwindling pools i see a broken glass menagerie
of all the faces she’s ever found beautiful.

these faces cry too,
adding to the spill,
but sally won’t catch the suns reflection from where she lies on the floor-
and i cannot move her.

sally asks me to stay and swim in her droplets;
saccharine sap that never dries on my skin,
that never towels away-
i too made up the crystal gauntlets which held her concentrate
i too cried tears for sally

and in my weeping, my body would pendulum,
swirling her spirits into small cyclones inside of my clear figure;
soft and inspired spirals which went nowhere-

i’d spin her around and around,
so as to tickle the mirrored image of storm-swept skies on her surface;
to distort a notion,
warp a display-
to turn lightning into glimmers of stored energy
but over time
her pour became too heavy
and my balance waned into something
less brilliant-
it was all so dizzying,
and i too
fracture on the floor
and stare helpless at the piles of glass-

sally dripping sadly and slowly onto the ground in my wake,

my own shards ebbing into the storm drains,

hoping to reach free-flowing waters.